Friday, March 19, 2010

Kitten Season

Well I just picked up my first batch of orphaned kittens of the 2010 season.  They are so cute!  Eyes still closed they are about a week old.  I am looking for names so any suggestions would be appreciated.  I will post pictures of them in the next few days.  Right now they need to stay warm in their little bed with their stuffed mommy.

Now for the latest teenager news...  Did you all know that a 14 year old boy could still throw a fit like a 5 year old?  Wow I'm speechless on this one.  My youngest son Austin actually sat on the floor stomping his feet crying and throwing a fit because he got grounded.  Why did he get grounded you ask, well he has a "D" in reading (I love ed-line).  He actually said that all the zero's he has are wrong.  He did not do these assignments or did not turn them in (resulting in a zero) but still he can not understand HOW he has a "D"???  He has yet to pass a reading test.  Now I have had him tested for a disability and they say he does have a huge difference in the math verses the reading but he does not fall under "disability" status and he should be able to pass these reading tests.  He does well in all other subjects he just hates reading.  He has also never passed his FCAT reading and is in special classes for reading.  However, after watching the fit today I'm convinced it's pure laziness!  I make him read every night and he does ok, not great but ok.  If it was a reading test on football he would A's it!

Now on to my adventure with Cody.  We went driving today again and boy I'm done with that!  I swear we almost ran into the mailbox.  He would not turn the wheel.  I started yelling at him to hit the breaks and he said "I quit I don't want to drive"  I said "Fine get out and I'll get us home".  So that is that I guess my patient husband will have to take over.  

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