Monday, May 31, 2010

Book Review "Mage In Black" by Jay Wells

Ok, so this is to all my friends that have been bugging me about all the books I read!  Yes, I read paranormal romance fantasy action books that take me away so I don't really run away from all the testosterone in this house!  A few of you have asked me to post my reviews on my blog so here goes....

Mage In Black by Jaye Wells was really good.  It is the second book in the Sabina Kane series.  The first book is Red Headed Stepchild and that was also an awesome book.  Short version, Sabina is half Mage (magical person) and half Vampire.  She is a total bad ass with a hidden heart of gold.  Well at least she is discovering that she has a heart.  Her Grandmother is the big wig of the Vampires and hates Sabina. She still raises her because Sabina's parents died but she raises her to hate the Mage race even though she is half Mage.  However, Sabina finds out that she has a identical twin sister that was raised by the Mage's in NYC where she flee's to after defying her Grandmother and the Vampires that raised her.  There is lots of humor with Sabina's familiar (pet) demon Gigul.  I was laughing so much my husband got upset because he was trying to sleep.   In this series there is some rough language and sex but I am old enough to deal because it is not excessive.  I was up late reading because I could not put this book down and I'm eagerly waiting for the third book Green Eyed Demon.  I highly recommend these books for those of you who love Vampires, Faries, Werewolves, Demons and Magic. Congrats to Jaye Wells for amazing writing and a wonderful sense of humor that was extremely entertaining!

Red-Headed Stepchild (Sabina Kane, #1)The Mage in Black (Sabina Kane, #2)Green Eyed Demon (Sabina Kane, #3)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mommy Meltdown

Well it is official I'm going NUTS!!!!  I lost it on the boys today and I'm OK with that.  Andrew was off fishing (shocker) and the boys kept fighting.  Lets see, from what I remember Austin flicked a rubber band into the back of Cody's head.  This was inspired by Cody yelling at Drew for wearing his underwear.  Drew apparently could care less and told Cody he would wear Cody's underwear if he wanted too.  Cody started flipping out and  flung his underwear at Drew's head.  That is when Austin thought it was funny and took a girlie band aka silly band and zapped Cody with it.  All leading to yelling and them running out to get to me first and try and get each other in trouble.  That is when I picked up the phone called my husband and said "Get home NOW and deal with these kids"!  Then I just hung up looked up at the boys and said "go to your own rooms, do not speak to each other or me, shut your doors and do NOT play games and if any of you turn on your TV it will be thrown in the trash"!  I then gave them all my death stare and they turned around and went to their rooms to wait till their dad got home.  Of course when Andrew got home they turned into perfect little angles and were perfect for the rest of the day.  I have decided I'm not doing anything for them for this entire week.  Let them figure out how mad I really am.  They can make their own dinner, do their own laundry and pick up their own messes! Love them but it's time they figure out how to treat each other and stop trying to piss each other off.  I'm so over teenagers acting like four year olds.  It's time to get a crash course on dealing with a pissed off woman!  Hopefully my future Daughter-in-law's will thank me!  That is if any girl will take them???

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nasty Boys

One thing is for certain teenage boys are nasty disgusting creatures!  I can not understand how my boys function.  These kids would not brush their teeth, put on deodorant or shower without me reminding them and nagging them daily.  I know when I get up I can't stand the way my teeth feel.  I have to brush them.  I would die if I forgot my deodorant and I have to shower at least every other day.  This is not how teenage boys think.  I asked my son Andrew how he can stand not to brush his teeth and he says he does not notice a difference.  What?  Is that possible?  Is it just me that has morning breath?  Tonight while we were all watching a movie, I can not even explain the noises that I was hearing.  Chomping, burping and a few farts and giggles!  I had to get up and leave because I could not stand it.  They are so lucky I am not in the mood to care tonight otherwise I would have sent them all to bed!  Like I said they are gross nasty creatures and I'm gonna need a spa vacation with just the girls sooner than later.  

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I sure could use my daddy right now!

Sorry I have been neglecting my bloggers lately but this whole teenage drama is kicking my ass!  Right now I could use my dad.  He would know what to do and would make me laugh also.  My daddy Steve was such a good dad.  I remember a time when I was pregnant with Cody and had just come back from Missouri on Easter Sunday 1994.  I went straight to my room and could not stop crying.  I was pregnant and alone and scared out of my mind.  So my dad walks in with a little pink bunny and a little blue bunny and gives them to me.  He wanted me to know that no matter what happened that he was going to take care of me and the baby.  Remember he was my step dad but he was really my dad.  I miss his cents of humor how he always made me laugh.  I know he would be proud of me and the way I am handling my boys.  

This is my Daddy at Cody's birthday party only two weeks before he passed.  I heard a poem on FB that says "I wish they had a phone in heaven so I could call you and tell you how much I miss you.  Hear you tell me everything is going to be alright and that you are happy also.  I wish heaven did have a phone so I could let you know how much you are missed and how over the years I have made decisions based on what I think would have made you happy.  Dad I wish they had that phone so I could hear your voice one more time and tell you how sorry I am for putting you through these horrible teenage years.  And also to let you know that curse you and mom placed on us really worked!  My kids are just like me, maybe worse!

Austin is once again grounded phone taken away and I will be dropping him off at school.  This morning he tried to leave for school at 7 am and school does not start till 9am.  He walks to school it is a ten minute walk on a slow day.  What the hell is he doing for two hours before school.  Well I decided to be nice and let him go at quarter till eight.  He threw a fit and tried to argue with me about how they do nothing up there.  I said well if you do nothing then not a big deal then.  So I go snuggle back in my warm bed and two seconds latter I hear our front door slam and he left.  Now...... I'm PISSED!!!  I call Andrew and told him he better be home to save that boys ass after school because he is being stripped of any luxury afforded in his live right now such as cell phone, friends, and video games.  Oh and I will now be driving him to school and dropping him off at ten minutes before the bell rings.  I think that was his worst.  I pray my dad is watching over my boys but for some reason I think he is just laughing at me saying "what goes around comes around".  I can see him enjoying these teenage years I'm living through.  Gosh I miss you dad!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Smart Mouth, Know it All Teenage Hell

Today has been a very rough day!  To start I had a meeting with Austin's school today.  I go in thinking it is a simple 504 meeting.  Oh how wrong I was.  Yes, we discussed the 504 plan but I was also informed that my son has been hanging out with what is being labeled as "The Wrong Crowd".  I was also informed that Austin has a tendency to be a "Mr. Know It All".  Yea, thank you but I knew that one!  Then so sweetly they inform me that sometimes Austin has a tendency to brag and it makes other kids angry with him.  Ok, hello I've been on that road for awhile now tell me something new!  Well, here is the kicker.  His "friend" was arrested today for stealing.  Austin, in no way had any part of this and was in no way implicated in this PSP thievery but they wanted me to know.  This was a good thing I needed to know.  So, tonight at dinner my husband decided to have a family talk about making the right decisions and not going down the wrong path.  I'm game, I want him to take the reigns, it is usually me who is the bad guy.  I'm excited that he is now going to be Mr. Mean and I'm going to be the loving mom!  WRONG!  Here is my husbands version (short version) "Now, I'm not gonna tell you not to hang out with these kids.  I just want to make sure you make the right choices".  Yadda, Yadda, Yadda!  Here is my version, "Watch your damn mouth, drop the attitude and if I find out your up to no good I'll turn you in myself".  Guess, I'll always be the bad guy!  Oh, and lets not forget Cody.  My sweet boy got mad at his teacher today and dropped the "F" bomb!  Well, needless to say he is grounded all weekend and has to write an apology letter to his teacher.  He had a complete and total melt down because he truly believes that this teacher is picking on him and calling him names.  Now remember Cody has Asperger's Syndrome so when the teacher calls him a "Mr. Know It All" or a "Smart'y Pants" he has trouble processing this as her being angry with him.  So, arguing with him is pointless when he is in meltdown mode I have to wait till he calms down and try to explain that he is a "Mr. Know It All" and a "Smart'y Pants" and that no matter what the teacher says he in no way has the right to disrespect her.  Also, I had to inform him that if I EVER hear that he has used the "F" word or any other bad language in the presence of an adult that his plushy little life will be stripped away!  He will be reading books for a month.    So, I am going to go bury my head under my pillows and call it a night.  Hopefully the rest of the year will be uneventful!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Trouble with a capital T!

Try and tell me he is not the most handsome cat! This is my baby Trouble. He is true to his name but what a lover. I love his face in this picture total snob just like his mommy!  Also, got a new batch of babies and hopefully I will be able to get their pictures up on this post.  As for the kids they are all on their best behavior because Dad is at a tournament therefor unable to save their little asses when they get in trouble.  Funny I thought the mom was suppose to be the good cop but for some reason I am always the bad cop.  I wonder what age they have to be before they stop hating me?  O well apparently if they are hating me at this age then I'm doing well as a parent!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prom or No Prom

PROM?  But your boys are only in the 9th grade?  Yes, I am fully aware of this; however, Cody goes to a small school so in order for the Seniors to have a normal Prom experience they invite the entire high school and call it the Spring Formal for the other students.  Awe how cute you say Cody is going to his first real dance:-)  Please not a chance!!!  See when the subject of the Spring formal first came up (basically I saw the flyer) I asked Cody if he was gonna go and if he was taken his then girlfriend Maria?  No way was the response I got.  Then we later had a discussion about what was expected of boys during the prom. No not what WE did after prom the subject was boys buy the tickets, rent a tux and pay for dinner.  Now remember Cody has Asperger's Syndrome so he is very by the book. So when his girlfriend said she wanted to go the dance Cody asked her about her dress.  Well his girlfriend said "No way am I wearing a dress" so Cody refused to take her.  I know, I told him she could wear what she wanted but I understand his thinking, the tradition is girls wear a dress boys tuxes so he was completely thrown for a loop.  Well after all the back and forth about who should wear what and if they should go Cody broke up with Maria.  So it was settled they were not going.  So imagine my surprise when Cody asked for $100 last night to buy two tickets to the Spring Formal this Friday!!!  WHAT!  I know I'm right there with you, how can I get a tux, what color is her dress, is she wearing a dress or pants?  How are you gonna get there and home and WHY are you telling me this NOW?  Well all it took was a call to Maria's mom to get things straight.  One little call to put my mind at ease.  See she also had no clue that Maria and Cody had decided to go together.  She did buy Maria a dress but the plan was for her to go with her girlfriend.  She even already had bought the tickets!  Well why did Cody think he was taking Maria?  I'm not really sure but for some reason Maria wanted her mom to think she was going with her girlfriend.  I can't seem to get a straight story from Cody who swears that him and Maria had plans to go together and he had no clue she already had her ticket.  So final decision is HE IS NOT GOING!!  Ya know I'm really excited for his first real dance but telling me three days before the dance and with a screwed up story about who is going with who; well I'm not buying so I told him maybe next year.  He smiled and said "Yea, maybe next year you can hire someone to go with me".  Fortunately for him I was done for the night and was not gonna address that statement!  

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Well today is Mothers Day and I had an amazing one! First my boys took me out to breakfast. My boys all gave me jewlery (I'm training them well ladies) and my husband also got me a Pandora Braclett. I love them all! We also went by my mom's and then out to Bonefish Grill with my Inlaws. Also, and most importantly my husband is doing the dishes!!! Of coarse the day would not be complete without the standard sibiling fighting and rude coments to each other but I have to say today they have been kept to a minimum. Now the boys are swimming and I'm about to change into my jammies and lay on the couch with my book and the remote. Again, a perfect day with my perfect boys and perfect husband! And yes I have had a few glasses of wine which makes everything seem perfect! Tomorrow will be back to normal where perfection is a few glasses of wine away. So I will enjoy the rest of my night and not think about tomorrow.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Case of the Missing Cake

Where oh where did my Carrot Cake Go?  Cody? Drew? Austin?  Lets see, I took the cake out to thaw and came into the computer room.  All three of the boys are in the kitchen rummaging through anything and everything they can put in their bottomless pit stomachs.  As I am walking through picking up their messes I walk past an empty cake holder thing and turn around to make sure my eyes were not failing me.  Oh they were not!  The entire cake (what was left from the previous night) was gone.  See the rule in our house is you can come home get a snack before dinner just not sweets.  Apparently the culprit "forgot" this standing rule of ours.  Well then as I am in a bad mood already I start calling the boys to see who is willing to fess up!  Now, knowing my boys I'm pretty sure I know who the guilty party is.  However, I am fair and question all the boys.  Of coarse NONE of the boys know what I'm talking about???  I then proceed to ask them if they believe in Magic?  Because apparently there is magic in our home because the cake just diapered, POOF like Magic!  Well as my children swear they are innocent I decide to hand this over to my husband so I don't have to commit myself.  Of coarse he just laughs and makes the whole thing funny!  So as it stands Magic is the answer here because all three of them had nothing to do with it.  Unfortunately for Cody the evidence on his shirt and smeared on the freezer door has given him away.  So what are you gonna do you ask?  Hell, I just took a pill and have to let it go this time.  But next time I bring cake into this house of Magic it is getting hidden!              

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's a Xanex kinda Day

So here is some photos of my kittens and dogs. They have grown so big! Soon they will be off to their new homes. Then I will get a new batch of orphans. Speaking of orphans I may run away and leave my own kids orphaned! Well, we all know I would never do that so Xanex it is! Got a new couch and I'm trying very hard to keep animals off of it and kids off while dirty (which seems constant). This is not working so well. I gave a speach about not letting the dogs in the pool and while wet letting them back into the house. They need to take towels and dry them off. Yea Right!! Thirty minutes after I tell the boys this Cody decides to pick up Ozzie and put him in the pool. Right after he gets out Austin lets him in. Wanna know the first thing he did??? HE JUMPED ON THE NEW COUCH!!!! Not only did he jump up on the couch he proceeded to run the entire length of the couch. I LOST it and yelled at them brought them in from the pool and told them to stay out of my sight until dinner. I then took a happy pill (which I don't do often) and chilled out. Glad there is school tomorrow so I can have some peace and quiet. Even though I know June 10th (last day of school) is lurking just around the corner. What am I gonna do with these boys all summer?
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