Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mommy Meltdown

Well it is official I'm going NUTS!!!!  I lost it on the boys today and I'm OK with that.  Andrew was off fishing (shocker) and the boys kept fighting.  Lets see, from what I remember Austin flicked a rubber band into the back of Cody's head.  This was inspired by Cody yelling at Drew for wearing his underwear.  Drew apparently could care less and told Cody he would wear Cody's underwear if he wanted too.  Cody started flipping out and  flung his underwear at Drew's head.  That is when Austin thought it was funny and took a girlie band aka silly band and zapped Cody with it.  All leading to yelling and them running out to get to me first and try and get each other in trouble.  That is when I picked up the phone called my husband and said "Get home NOW and deal with these kids"!  Then I just hung up looked up at the boys and said "go to your own rooms, do not speak to each other or me, shut your doors and do NOT play games and if any of you turn on your TV it will be thrown in the trash"!  I then gave them all my death stare and they turned around and went to their rooms to wait till their dad got home.  Of course when Andrew got home they turned into perfect little angles and were perfect for the rest of the day.  I have decided I'm not doing anything for them for this entire week.  Let them figure out how mad I really am.  They can make their own dinner, do their own laundry and pick up their own messes! Love them but it's time they figure out how to treat each other and stop trying to piss each other off.  I'm so over teenagers acting like four year olds.  It's time to get a crash course on dealing with a pissed off woman!  Hopefully my future Daughter-in-law's will thank me!  That is if any girl will take them???

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