Thursday, May 20, 2010

Smart Mouth, Know it All Teenage Hell

Today has been a very rough day!  To start I had a meeting with Austin's school today.  I go in thinking it is a simple 504 meeting.  Oh how wrong I was.  Yes, we discussed the 504 plan but I was also informed that my son has been hanging out with what is being labeled as "The Wrong Crowd".  I was also informed that Austin has a tendency to be a "Mr. Know It All".  Yea, thank you but I knew that one!  Then so sweetly they inform me that sometimes Austin has a tendency to brag and it makes other kids angry with him.  Ok, hello I've been on that road for awhile now tell me something new!  Well, here is the kicker.  His "friend" was arrested today for stealing.  Austin, in no way had any part of this and was in no way implicated in this PSP thievery but they wanted me to know.  This was a good thing I needed to know.  So, tonight at dinner my husband decided to have a family talk about making the right decisions and not going down the wrong path.  I'm game, I want him to take the reigns, it is usually me who is the bad guy.  I'm excited that he is now going to be Mr. Mean and I'm going to be the loving mom!  WRONG!  Here is my husbands version (short version) "Now, I'm not gonna tell you not to hang out with these kids.  I just want to make sure you make the right choices".  Yadda, Yadda, Yadda!  Here is my version, "Watch your damn mouth, drop the attitude and if I find out your up to no good I'll turn you in myself".  Guess, I'll always be the bad guy!  Oh, and lets not forget Cody.  My sweet boy got mad at his teacher today and dropped the "F" bomb!  Well, needless to say he is grounded all weekend and has to write an apology letter to his teacher.  He had a complete and total melt down because he truly believes that this teacher is picking on him and calling him names.  Now remember Cody has Asperger's Syndrome so when the teacher calls him a "Mr. Know It All" or a "Smart'y Pants" he has trouble processing this as her being angry with him.  So, arguing with him is pointless when he is in meltdown mode I have to wait till he calms down and try to explain that he is a "Mr. Know It All" and a "Smart'y Pants" and that no matter what the teacher says he in no way has the right to disrespect her.  Also, I had to inform him that if I EVER hear that he has used the "F" word or any other bad language in the presence of an adult that his plushy little life will be stripped away!  He will be reading books for a month.    So, I am going to go bury my head under my pillows and call it a night.  Hopefully the rest of the year will be uneventful!

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